Let’s explore Hidden Details in Ghibli Anime these animated films and see if you have missed any!
If you are an animation enthusiast, you definitely can’t miss the works of the famous Ghibli animation studio. With captivating and touching storylines and unique character designs, Ghibli films always contain meaningful narratives.
In addition, director Hayao Miyazaki and the Ghibli artists often embed special details, like “little gifts” for the devoted fans of this film genre.
- 1 1.The word “Ghibli” appearing in “Porco Rosso”:
- 2 2. The fireflies in “Grave of the Fireflies”
- 3 3. Jiji, the cat from “Kiki’s Delivery Service,” embroidered on a cushion in “Spirited Away”
- 4 4. Kiki’s appearance in “Spirited Away”
- 5 5. The word “Ghibli” on a ship in “From Up On Poppy Hill”
- 6 6. The words “Studio Ghibli” on a bus in “Kiki’s Delivery Service”
- 7 7. The bubbles from Sosuke’s nose in “Ponyo”
1.The word “Ghibli” appearing in “Porco Rosso”:
In the animated film “Porco Rosso” which follows the story of an Italian ex-fighter pilot unexpectedly turned into a pig during World War I, there’s a scene where Porco Rosso buys an engine. The manufacturers cleverly placed the word “Ghibli” on the engine’s nameplate.
This detail is particularly significant because Miyazaki named Studio Ghibli after the Caproni Ca.309 Ghibli, an Italian aircraft from World War I.

2. The fireflies in “Grave of the Fireflies”
“Grave of the Fireflies” is a renowned anti-war film from Studio Ghibli, depicting the struggle of two siblings to survive after their mother’s death during World War II. Both siblings meet a tragic end by the film’s conclusion.
After the movie’s release, some viewers noticed that by adjusting the color of the film’s poster to be brighter, an image of a B-25 bomber plane would appear. They theorized that the “fireflies” in the film are, in reality, the bombs dropped from the plane. This revelation highlights the unsettling nature of war beneath the children’s innocent joy with the fireflies.

3. Jiji, the cat from “Kiki’s Delivery Service,” embroidered on a cushion in “Spirited Away”
In the film “Spirited Away,” when the character Chihiro is escaping from Yubaba and Kashira, she enters the playroom of Boh, Yubaba’s son. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice a cushion embroidered with the image of Jiji, the black cat from “Kiki’s Delivery Service”.

4. Kiki’s appearance in “Spirited Away”
In a challenging-to-spot detail, in the scene with Chihiro inside a room, some fans noticed a painting in the background depicting a girl wearing a purple dress and holding a broom, reminiscent of Kiki from “Kiki’s Delivery Service,” one of Miyazaki Hayao’s most beloved films.

5. The word “Ghibli” on a ship in “From Up On Poppy Hill”
Fans of Ghibli films will surely be familiar with “From Up On Poppy Hill”.However, only a few may have noticed the subtle appearance of the word “Ghibli” on a banner of a ship near the end of the film.

6. The words “Studio Ghibli” on a bus in “Kiki’s Delivery Service”
When Kiki first arrives in Koriko, she takes a flight around the city on her broomstick. During one scene where she flies under a bridge, she nearly collides with a bus that reads “Studio Ghibli” on its side. Though it’s a challenging detail to spot, keen-eyed fans have captured and revealed this Easter egg.

7. The bubbles from Sosuke’s nose in “Ponyo”
“Ponyo” is a beloved film, and it tells the story of a boy named Sosuke, who discovers a “goldfish” near his home. He decides to take care of the small fish, which magically transforms into a young girl named Ponyo.
In one scene, when Sosuke and Ponyo submerge their faces in the water to observe various fish species, bubbles rise from Sosuke’s nose due to him being a human. However, no bubbles emerge from Ponyo’s nose because she is a magical fish. This seemingly small detail showcases the meticulous attention to detail in the production.

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