“My Neighbor Totoro” aired in 1988, is one of the classic anime series by director Miyazaki Hayao, and is still a record for Ghibli sales with more than one million DVD copies sold. out. Up to now, “Totoro” has always been the most beloved work of Japanese anime with a huge fanbase,
Totoro Plush is a product model that many fans collect with many purposes to satisfy their passion, as gifts, collectibles, display… With tens of thousands of searches per month at Google we understand that there are many Many of you are wondering because Totoro Plush is sold quite a lot on online stores with many types and origins making it difficult for you to choose.
Below,Anime Tomato would like to suggest the 6 most selected Totoro Plush models through data sources of search, review, feedback, like share at social networking sites and e-commerce websites as Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, Bonaza…